Parlaying personal security into collective defense. San Francisco-based Lookout developed a novel mobile security solution that used “whole population data” to provide a complete, continuous view into mobile data, and then use machine intelligence to analyze and evaluate threats. We helped the company lay out the logic of extending its capabilities to enterprise customers in a simple, compelling way. Since Lookout’s solution depended on the buy-in of a customer’s employees, we developed targeted messaging to employees as well as general business decision makers. And since Lookout’s purchase decision makers were mostly CISOs and other technically-minded individuals, we developed robust technical audience messaging as well.

Our foundational work with Lookout has served the company well. Their current story and messaging reflect themes and concepts first set forth in our backstory and messaging blueprint. Today the company positions itself as the leading mobile security platform, trusted by millions of customers, enterprises, government agencies and partners such as AT&T, Verizon, Vodafone, Microsoft, Google and Apple.