
Updates, observations and commentary from the brand frontlines.

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Names-A-Go-Go: A New Source for Dotcom Domain Names

We’ve just added 50 new .com domain names to our prêt à nommer website, Names-a-GoGo.
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Seen & Heard

From Twitter to X: My Take

Yes, the Twitter logo was iconic. Many have expressed fondness, nostalgia even, for its tweetness.  If the company’s ultimate goal were to retain and grow a loyal audience...
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I Take the 30-Minute “Innovation” Naming Challenge

I’m not just a namer. I’m a naming junkie. Maybe all namers are. Regardless, I simply can’t stay away from name-related preoccupations even in my free time....
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NIY: Name It With Numerals

A list of finalist name candidates we presented to a client this earlier week included one that combines a word and a numeral—an alphanumeric. Alone in a...
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Crabtree-But-Not-Evelyn and the Demise of the British “Purveyor of Quality” Name

At a recent stay at a Hilton, the brand of bath products on offer caught my attention: Crabtree. “‘Crabtree’ as in ‘Crabtree & Evelyn’?” I wondered. Indeed....
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Is the EV Era (Finally) About to Take Hold? Yes—If We Can Tell The Right Stories

In the auto industry, the EV segment has been something of a sleeping giant. We know EVs are inevitable. We know they will transform not only personal...
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Front Lines

Meta-morphosing Facebook

The elephant in the room with the Facebook-to-Meta move is, obviously, the timing. The announcement comes off as an effort to distract from the intense criticism Facebook...
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Brand Management

A Power Tool for Brand Storytelling: Meet the Brand Wheel

When we set out to build a foundation for telling a brand story, we develop and organize the building blocks of the story with a specific framework...
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Naming | Seen & Heard

Washington’s New NFL Team Name: Touchdown? Not.

I’ve heard some of the candidates floated to replace the Washington R———s, a name so offensive to people I respect that I will no longer repeat it. Red Wolves, Redtails,...

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Applied Storytelling - Brand Frontlines


Brand Frontlines

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